Meeting Time: March 20, 2024 at 7:00pm EDT

Agenda Item


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    Milton Pacheco 12 months ago

    Palmetto Bay does not need additional parks, there are plenty of parks well within walking distance of this proposed site. It is an unnecessary expense for Palmetto Bay to incur as it will require maintenance, insurance, payment on property taxes, etc., all costs that will come directly from the residents. Your focus should be reducing unnecessary expense and waste of resident tax dollars on pet projects. Clearly, other residents were able to acquire the same type of property and there was no issue. Again, the acquisition expenses of the property and ongoing maintenance of the proposed park are not of any benefit to the residents. You were provided with a list of residents near and along the proposed site that are clearly OPPOSED to the building of a pocket park. Why do you chose to ignore the needs and requests of the residents? You are supposed to have an aligned interest with the needs and desires of the residents who have already spoken against the creation of a pocket park. Please listen and let this go. Focus on improving Plametto Bay to lower taxes and find ways that insurance premiums can be also lowered by improving the infrastructure. That's a better mindset for the greater good. As a homeowner who will be impacted directly if this park is built we will have to deal with loud music, loud noises, visitors to the park at all times of the day. That defeats the main purpose of having purchased a home in Palmetto Bay. Please abandon the pocket park project.